dental floss

[ˈdentəl flɔs]
  • 释义
  • 牙线;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Dental floss is used to clean between your teeth.


  • 2、

    And dental floss can go where no brush has gone before : between teeth, along the gumline.

    而牙线可以进到牙刷不能到达的地方: 牙间隙,牙龈边沿.

  • 3、

    Bring your own dental floss. Never pay full price . Don't expect to get laid.

    带上防噪音耳塞,带上牙线, 买东西永远要记得砍价.

  • 4、

    I know it's a good idea to use dental floss.


  • 5、

    Engineer: you make them another parachute out of aisle curtains and dental floss.

    工程师 ︰ 用通道的布帘和牙线为他们制造另一个降落伞.

  • 6、

    When use dental floss, how to bleed gum lane?

    使用牙线时, 如何不把牙龈弄出血?

  • 7、

    Do you use dental floss every day?

    你每天都用牙线 吗 ?

  • 8、

    Some dental floss will help to loosed the grip of the old adhesive.


  • 9、

    To clean between ( teeth ) with dental floss.

    用牙线清洁 ( 牙齿 )

  • 10、

    People also should use dental floss to remove plaque from between the teeth.


  • 11、

    A dental floss, floss rods, between the brush teeth, mascara brush.

    有牙线, 牙线棒, 牙间刷, 睫毛刷.
